Wednesday, June 15, 2011

paisajes naturales del mundo

images paisajes naturales de mexico. paisajes naturales del mundo. paisajes naturales de chile.
  • paisajes naturales de chile.

  • kpchal2
    03-03 11:55 AM
    thanks for the encouraging reply. it seems like some people are getting denials without any NOIDs and are going out of status due to that. my previous company is not going to revoke my I-140 so that is not a problem. however i am concerned about any other stupid reasons that these people might put in a denial and make us go through the suffering process. do you know of any such situations or do you think that the USCIS is completely aware of this AC21 clauses and that they do not simply deny the cases. I know i am asking a completely insane question but just wanted to try any ways.
    thanks a lot in advance.

    wallpaper paisajes naturales de chile. paisajes naturales del mundo. Naturales Del Mundo---XD
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  • sangeethak31
    07-14 08:33 PM

    Fortunately, I am able to get hold one of my ex-collegues. Is one co-affidavit letter enough?

    Thanks in advance.
    Sangeetha K

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  • Maverick5
    08-26 03:57 PM
    I am also in the same boat. I have my Masters in Mechanical Engineering. I had filed for H1B with companies A & B as Mechanical Engineer and have worked with them for 1.5 years each.

    Recently I had switched to desi company (C) and had to file my H1B as Software Engineer. I got my H1B without issues. I am crossing my fingers and planning to apply for Labor Certification as Software Engineer in EB2. (MS -Mech Engg + 1 year experience).

    Other members pls share your experience if your case is simillar. I know lot of people who did their masters in other fields and changed to Software when they were in OPT. But do not know some one who has worked in H1b as Mechanical engineer and then got another H1 as software engineer. Has anyone with my simillar background, gone past the I140 stage?

    2011 Naturales Del Mundo---XD paisajes naturales del mundo. paisajes naturales del mundo.
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  • ExoVoid
    06-13 03:53 PM
    I worked that much out, but it shouldn't throw the percentage calculations.


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  • senthil1
    07-08 02:51 PM
    It is not just IV. He does not give any other source where he is getting information. In IV some persons always try to find fault with others whether pro immigrants or Anti immigrants. IV is dealing with only very small part of immigration that is Green card for highly skilled persons. But other groups like AILA is trying to get benefit for all the section of immigration. Of course there is no surprise in seeing their welfare first before seeing others. Lawyers will give more importance to their profession than the common people
    Given that (I believe) he regularly visits IV and gets information from here, but never wants to give IV the credit for it.

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  • Rockey
    06-22 10:17 AM
    Sent the request for correction with my supporting documents.

    Request advice...

    I know that I will have to stop working on August 11 2010 and I can't earn for as long as I don't have a valid EAD in my hand. I also know that it does not affect my Green Card I-485 app as long as I don't work without and EAD.

    So what should I do from here on? Should I wait...I still have 50 days to hope to get my renewed EAD in. Should I call USCIS and request expedited processing of my case...but I haven't even received my receipt notices yet. Should I book and INFOPASS appt...but INFOPASS appointments for I-765 are only issued if it has been more than 90 days since the application was filed?

    I will really appreciate any comments/suggestion regarding my case.

    What should one do if he don't receive the nenewal EAD before the current EAD expires, can he continue working ? will the employer come to know ? having the receipt notice is enough ? what is the impact ? Please any one clarify. Thanks.


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  • paisajes naturales del mundo.

  • TeddyKoochu
    01-06 03:41 PM
    Please read the text in the USCIS page carefully. You need to clearly satisfy at least 3 criteria. In practice, you try to provide at least some evidence for most criteria.

    Note also that you need to provide evidence of sustained fulfillment. E.g., suppose you want to show that

    "Evidence that the alien has judged the work of others, either individually or on a panel;"

    This is *not* satisfied, e.g., if you graded the papers of your students or did code-reviews! This is likely satisfied if you, e.g., were in an IEEE standards committee (especially if the standard becomes well known, e.g., IEEE 802.11, or Firewire, etc.). Similarly, if you just participated in a panel once, then the reviewer is likely to reject your claim; you really want to show that you regularly (e.g., once a month for last 3-4 years) participate in panels, etc. In my own case, I reviewed literally 100's of conference and journal papers, and was in the TPC of many conferences, and also participated in an NSF panel for reviewing proposals for funding.

    The reviewer will want evidence for each criteria. Sometimes you may be able to use the same evidence towards more than one criteria, but generally it is not the case.

    Finally remember that you need *very strong* recommendation letters from "well known" people *all over the world". Most people gets some letters from US, some from their home country, some from Europe, other countries, etc. I had about 10-15 letters from US, China, India, Netherlands, etc. The letter writer in each case must be very well known, and must hold a very high position (e.g., one of my letter writer was one of the heads of Philips research).

    In any case, it does not matter what I or someone else thinks about your qualifications. What matters is what the reviewer of your petition thinks. What I would suggest is that if you feel that you have a good chance at EB1-A (e.g., in your own mind you believe that you truly satisfy 3 criteria), then hire a good attorney and start working on preparing your dossier. The cost will be about $7000-$10,000 (depending upon what attorney you choose). Attorneys will charge much more for EB1 petitions since they actually have to work on it (rather than get a para-legal fill-in forms, as done in EB2 applications). It usually takes 4-6 months to get all material, etc.

    Thanks for all the details. Greatly appreciate your advise. Looks like lot of information needs to be collected and without a research background I think its really a long shot to justify the time effort and resources.

    2010 paisajes naturales. paisajes paisajes naturales del mundo. paisajes naturales de mexico.
  • paisajes naturales de mexico.

  • snathan
    10-03 10:44 AM
    They do the same n FL and whats worse....they only issue temporary license that expires every year.

    Contact your federal/state congress man/senator and protest about this. The cranky wheel gets the oil.


    paisajes naturales del mundo. paisajes naturales del mundo.
  • paisajes naturales del mundo.

  • GotGC??
    01-08 12:03 AM
    I wud just like to add that shud you travel and use your current visa your new I-94 will be stamped with date June 07. Then you have to extend you H-4 and your old approval will not be valid.

    That's not true. I've done that many times, and I'm sure many other would have done the same without affecting the newly approved petition.

    Yes, something about the "last action rule" (I don't know much about it) causes some problem when you are outside the US at the time your H1/H4 petition gets approved (in other words, you should be present in the US the day the H1/H4 gets approved) but this rule does not apply in this case because the petition has already been approved.

    These are just my thoughts. And I am not a layer.

    Do you have a basis for the statement you are making? Any references, rules, etc.?

    Have a great trip

    hair paisajes naturales del mundo. paisajes naturales del mundo. paisajes naturales del mundo.
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  • zCool
    02-25 10:38 PM
    Do not move to IT!
    Are you crazy?? IT is indentured servitude for some desi consultant!
    stay away.. there are already plenty of slaves..


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  • eb_retrogession
    01-06 09:32 AM
    This is a good effort towards solving the retrogression issue. Like many silent readers, I do have concern about contributing to a new organization.

    Is there a way to know more details about this effort? Please send me a personal email so I can understand more and contribute with confidence.

    Pls check your private message

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  • Los paisajes naturales que

  • GCcomesoon
    08-01 12:31 PM

    I have read the thread for FP & biometrics.In my case 485 was approved in April this year & later in May I got the biometrics done. Due to which my physical card delivery got delayed. Till date I haven't received it but the passport is stamped for travel & employment purposes.
    I had recent LUD of card mailed yesterday , so hopefully in next few days I should get it. My point is if you haven't received your FP/Bio then call USCIS , talk to IO, take info pass & get it scheduled & see to it that the data is correctly uploaded to your case by calling up again.

    This would reduce all the possible delay.



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  • Beta_mle
    02-21 09:23 AM
    And, my last point, out of status rule applies ONLY to applicants 17 years or older. so your son is ok.

    In short, aal izz well.

    Not a legal advice.
    US citizen of Indian origin

    Thanks Desi. That helps peace of mind. Do you have a link to the regulation concerning out of status applying only to applicants 17 and older?

    tattoo de paisajes naturales para paisajes naturales del mundo. paisajes naturales del mundo.
  • paisajes naturales del mundo.

  • ajju
    03-06 12:42 PM
    My Company is switching me to EAD and will cancel my H1. Saying that H1 is more expensive to maintain... They'll pay for my EAD renewal also... Anyway don't have a choice here unless I switch...

    My question is that my lawyer told that Iam allowed to work up to 120 days post EAD expiry if EAD renewal is delayed... They'll file 90 days before current EAD expiry..

    Does this sound okay.. Anyone heard anywhere that its allowed to work upto 120 days of EAD expiry pending EAD renewal??


    pictures paisajes naturales del mundo. paisajes naturales del mundo. paisajes naturales del mundo.
  • paisajes naturales del mundo.

  • houston2005
    08-21 11:26 AM
    It is my turn to receive the "Notice mailed welcoming the new permanent resident" today. My depenedents are yet to receive this mail. This forum, Immigration-law, Immigration portal by Rajiv Khanna and many other immigration lawyers' websites like Murthy's etc were very useful to understand the immigration laws.
    I did everything myself (EB2-NIW - India) - I140, I485, AP and EAD and my PD (I140 RD) and I485 RD are 08-30-2005.
    I did make a one time conribution of $100.00 to IV.
    Thanks a lot. All the best to all.


    Which service center did you applied to. I have similar PD (8/22/05) and EB2 NIW at TSC.

    dresses Los paisajes naturales que paisajes naturales del mundo. paisajes naturales de mexico.
  • paisajes naturales de mexico.

  • sparky123
    07-18 02:12 PM
    We're running out of time. Any timely suggestions would be much appreciated.

    Please help to expedite Atlanta center.

    We just want to get ours filed too and join the rest of the gang in celebration :p


    makeup paisajes naturales del mundo. paisajes naturales del mundo. paisajes naturales del mundo.
  • paisajes naturales del mundo.

  • bigboy007
    12-10 01:59 PM
    In any fashion of THese threads everyones comment :

    "which should match/similar to your GC labor"

    WHich is a very generalized statement.

    I am in this boat : Please advice me on the options:

    1. Pd 2004 : GCLABOR 1.5 yrs exp : Its a pretty generic Labor which says "evaluating requests , planning , designing etc" with title of Programmer analyst.

    2. I have my 140 approved , 485 pending will complete 180 day mark by dec 29. Now i am NOT on EAD neither want to be.

    3. I have new opportunity where company is offering me a good pay range + they are ok with filing H1b . But job role is different like " Software Architect".

    Now i am caught up in saying how i am using "AC21" when i transfer H1b what happens to my AOS? what should i do to keep it alive ? what are my options ?

    Kindly help i am lost. Current GC labor etc is all for future employment how am i leveraging these two. Please help .... please help.

    girlfriend paisajes naturales del mundo. paisajes naturales del mundo. paisajes naturales del mundo.
  • paisajes naturales del mundo.

  • bmoni
    12-22 11:55 AM
    Guys, Currently i am in my 7th year. I-140 pending planning to move to another company after my I-140 approval. My understanding if you have a approved I-140 you get to keep the priority date even if you didn't apply 485...

    But when i talked to my attorney he said only i can keep the I-140 if i apply 485 and its 180 days pending ...guys could you please verify is this true...

    If it not could you please point to necessary document so i can shed some lights to my attorney ..


    Viva IV

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  • gc_on_demand
    06-16 09:33 AM
    Please call lawmakers. We have full commitee hearing on 23rd and then soon we will on floor for voting. If we wont call then it may not make it to floor. For details go to home page.

    07-20 05:30 PM
    Assuming that her 485 is not approved by the time they bring the child into the US, she could file AOS for the baby when her PD becomes current again.
    NO, the child will not have to file family based and will not have to go out of country to get GC.

    her priority date is march 2005 .and they filed for AoS on july 2nd.Her due date is november of this year. I am guessingt hat their 485 will not be approved november of this year.So, they can bring the child on h4 into the country. but then if their 485 gets approved in a year of 18 months-- what happens to the child? How does the child apply ?family based? in that case, the child will ahve to go out of the country for a long time, till the GC is approved- right?

    06-01 03:25 PM
    I have already sent a link to this petition to my local Congressman and Senator. You can do the same...let other people know so that we can reach as many Senators and Congressmen as possible and convey our thoughts to them

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